Tuesday, June 16, 2009

our grand adventure to the coast

we had a blast at nana's house one our way through sisters oregon we stopped and shopped well Elijah found this fun balloon set you pump them up and then they squeal the air out. it took up lots of time and energy because the balloons would fly around everywhere and the boys would chase after them. so fun Elijah tried to blow them up on his own (he couldnt wait his turn) let say that it took many turns to blow them up i think that they are special balloons. we also went camping on the coast. winchester bay oregon we had all kinds of fun exploring the guys enjoyed the putting green that was at the rv park. we went to a wonderful garden with a very special cove at the bottom of a path the boys were excited about it and so were we -until liam fell in and got soaked - so then we had to get moving because it was in the 50s at the coast and the oregon coast water is not warm...